Dennis Eakin Kia
 Sales 254-735-3126
Service 254-735-3262
5200 E Central Texas Expy Killeen, TX 76543
Service in Killeen, TX

Fast and Affordable Vehicle Maintenance in Killeen, TX

Whether you are overdue for an oil change, there are squeaky sounds coming from your brakes, or are worried your vehicle needs service that is far more complicated, our team at Dennis Eakin Kia in Killeen, Texas knows how to care for your vehicle. While we are experts when it comes to Kia models, you will be eager to hear we pride ourselves in servicing a multitude of vehicles from various automakers. Our promise is to not only deliver incredible quality, but to do it at an inexpensive price and in a timely manner.

Auto Services at Dennis Eakin Kia Killeen, TX

Many drivers choose to utilize our maintenance schedule, as all you have to do is enter some information, including the year-model, trim, mileage, and more, and we will be able to provide you with a list of services you may need. To cover the basics with your Kia, consider making an appointment for an express service. In just 60 minutes, our team will complete a Kia multi-point inspection, oil and filter change, tire rotation, and test your battery.

From simple preventative maintenance to our large tire center, our dealership has the resources to serve you well in Killeen, Texas. From oil changes to tire rotations, engine diagnostics, transmissions repairs, and brake replacements, this is just a short list of what we bring to the table. Whether your vehicle was purchased from Dennis Eakin Kia or not, we offer the talent, parts, and time to ensure your vehicle is safe out on the road. Schedule your service online today!

Bring Your Car to Dennis Eakin Kia in Killeen, TX

Your search is over for trusted automotive maintenance — visit our service center at Dennis Eakin Kia in Killeen, Texas. Rest assured, our professional technicians will only recommend the services you truly need. We are open Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and Saturday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to offer a convenient time for every customer.

While our prices are already generous for the quality you receive in return, don’t forget to check out our service and parts specials. No matter what you drive out on the road, we are eager to make your vehicle run as good as new. Contact us with any questions!